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Site gratuit d'une coquine libertine

[Anal] Tailbud, the rosebud ponytail

There are erotic accessories and Fetish that fascinate or intrigue. Although I don't practice #8217, I've always loved #8217 to see Rosebud ponytail also called Tailbud Horsetail or Horsebud. I find them a very erotic symbolism to whine of pleasure ! The fantasy is in full swing with the imagination #8217 of the “ponygirl”. We took the naughty pictures the next morning after the #8217 intense libertine meeting with BrownSugar34 (Nick on Wyylde). You can find the #8217 article of the naughty part Right here (read the article). I #8217 still have the mark of spanking !

For my birthday last August, Patoche #8217 offered this magnificent tailbud Imposing. He #8217 met in May 2019 (read the article). It'#8217 a great gift ! This Rosebud is simply beautiful and I #8217 had never worn such a #8217 quality. Thank you very much !

At the base, I #8217's idea to wear my Rosebud of ponygirl for a walk, but that'#8217 without intitating the length of the ponytail ! She measures thirty-four centimetres of dark horsehair. Let's say the day we're planning a plug-in release, I'll have to put on a mid-length skirt. This garment doesn't run my closets, this is #8217 anticipates ! Usually, my skirts measure between 35 and 40 centimetres from the waist. Them 34 centimeters start from the #8217 anus, it falls down. Don'#8217 not having adequate dress, my Aimé makes erotic shots with the anal plug in front of the bar of the #8217;apartment.

The Rosebud is stainless steel and weighs its weight. Before putting this plug on my Wishlist, I #8217 was informed about animal welfare. From what I #8217 have read, the horsehairs are cut on the horses in the same way as hair and are in no way painful for the horse. Far from #8217 be an expert in this area, I #8217've opted for the smallest model possible and I find its shape really well made because I #8217 be ultra-sensitive of the small hole (I have been suffering from #8217 a colopathy for a few years), once set up, I'm no longer bothered by the anal plug horsebud.

Only its insertion #8217 is painful, but unpleasant sensations are quickly forgotten. I'#8217 a little afraid to stain the hair with the silicone lubricant. I #8217 no idea how this type of product cleans itself ! Marseille soap can be ? And to dry the hair… we make it a blow dry or it #8217 spread flat so that #8217 it doesn't take a weird shape ? For the moment, I haven'#8217 t had that kind of trouble to deal with., but no doubt, it will happen someday !

There is a time of #8217 adaptation to apprehend. Having a large tail #8217 about 30 centimetres out of the buttocks #8217 nothing #8217 innate ! The feeling is very singular. When I walk, the tail of the tailbud follows the pelvis's swinging movement as steps and the plug almost gives the #8217 feel of moving. MrSirban makes me go back and forth in the room, particularly excited by the fact that I see myself so plugged in. There's an almost beastly phantasmagorical, that fully enters the scene.

When my man offers me to sit #8217 at the bar, I feel the complications coming. It'#8217 really not easy to put your butt on your butt with a big, dangling tail. ! I take the time to place it properly. Being on it #8217't pleasant because of the very matter of the hair, it's rough #8217. We find a solution really uncomfortable, but playable by placing it in the hole of the folder.

Assisi, it seems impossible to hennir with pleasure with the tailbud well sunk in my little hole ! I no longer hold the position and rest on my arms to relieve the discomfort #8217 of this in my buttocks. MrSirban tries to take the pictures quickly so I can get up quickly ! Ouch Ouch Ouch ! This game is sporty !

Immediately standing, the embarrassment of the horsebud is forgotten but it #8217 sensitized and I will not bear it for long. I #8217't want to use my darling for the latest shots. He doesn't want to #8217 too much, but when I explain #8217 to Him the idea that I #8217, He finally gives in ! His phone resting on a chair, the timer started at ten seconds, I propose to him to do “as if” He was a Cowboy in a Saloon and that I #8217 was going to serve Him a drink with my tailbud ponygirl… a perfectly normal situation what ! We died laughing at this role-playing game.. Nothing #8217 is natural and we chain the laughs and the takes !

We #8217 a lot of fun doing this photo series with the plug anal ponytail ! The discomfort #8217 inherent in the tail was a source of a lot of laughter. We, Humans, are a strange #8217 animal species and the wearing of the tail #8217 is not atavistic ! This rosebud tailbud is really beautiful and #8217 a rare sensuality. It exudes a crazy eroticism and I love #8217. Although #8217 it is not practical to be carried on a walk, I #8217 still very much want to make him make a naughty outing one day. MrSirban is working with me to find practical solutions so that #8217 can #8217 be used in the city or in the store after the deconfinment. You may see it again in #8217 other places or even #8217 other circumstances to whine with pleasure during #8217 a fantastic ride or #8217 a ballad exhibited !

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