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Site gratuit d'une coquine libertine

[Confinement J48] The Sixth Day without enjoying

Containment, J47 ♥ Stop and Go !

It #8217 left for the forty-seventh day of confinement, a Sunday day that #8217 announces under the sun exactly. We get up again around 7:20 a.m. after opening an eye for the first time at 6 a.m.. It must be said that the activity is greatly reduced and our bodies should not be very tired of their day since Friday. We are not usually homemakers, but the pandemic imposes a rhythm on us and it is clear that we feel really good at Home.

The morning unfolds like the previous forty-six starting with a good reading. Then, we each benefit from our small activities. On my side, playback makes way for the Nintendo Switch. In the office, MrSirban is studying where we could go on holiday this summer. He had planned to #8217 offer a trip from the 22 to the 28 July for my forty years. We should have celebrated my birthday.’ the 9 August in Cape #8217 Agde. With the #8217 state of #8217 health emergency, it seems that everything falls #8217 water. He had booked at the beginning of January for the return of Oman and had no idea that #8217 a pandemic would be experienced three months later. As a precaution, we won't #8217 go to Cape #8217 Agde, because we don't think it's reasonable. My man may #8217 only have two weeks off instead of four initially and I, probably three instead of four. We'd like to take the opportunity to #8217 a little.

The weather is worthy of #8217 a month of May. It's 28 degrees in the #8217 shadow and probably more than 30 degrees under the sun. We have lunch outside and enjoy sunbathing. Regarding the dominating session of the day, I'm warning MrSirban it's going to be very relaxing.… finally may be more to me than to Him, but I really won't be mean. He will have to #8217 rely on his mind.

J-#8217-install a chair and a small sofa cushion on the floor. I ask my submissive Cocu to get naked and kneel #8217 at the #8217 location provided for this purpose. I'm sitting in the seat. I explain the rules of the game to him. :

  • he'll have to masturbate five times and stop just #8217 before he comes to enjoy each time
  • he's forbidden to enjoy

I don't intend to make him suffer, but I'm going to do everything I can to make #8217 he have a hard time resisting and that the #8217 desire to enjoy is going up quickly. We're going to play “Stop and Go”. I start by #8217 excite by stroking his sex with my heels, then putting a heel on his torso while playing with my other foot with his chibre. MrSirban has the cards in his hands. I ask him to masturbate for the first time. It #8217 and begins. He won't let go of my eyes. I cross and deced my legs enylonated as in Basic Instinct. It has to stop #8217 fairly quickly.

Second round, my feet enshered his chibre and caressed him, then compress it without it being painful. My thighs open at his sight, his eyes sparkle with desire and envy #8217. I let him stroke my leg and fuck my nylon stockings. The more he touches me, the more it gets #8217. This goes in my direction and… it'#8217 exciting what's more !

Third and fourth round, I #8217 wide open my thighs my feet resting on his torso and I take out my gaze of “bitch”. My hand slides on my clitoris and plays with. He can't hold on and has a hard time holding back. He tries to concentrate and plays the game fully. When #8217 he feels the enjoyment coming, he stops masturbating and gently goes down.

Round five, I put the package. I'm getting up, gradually shows my stockings, then presents my bare buttocks under the dress. I let him kiss them., caressing them. He even has the right to touch my privacy as long as #8217 he continues to masturbate without letting himself be enjoyed. Almost anything is allowed except to take me ! It resists really well and I feel all the fun, desire and sexual tension between us. It'#8217's terribly exciting for both of us..

Round Six, just for fun ! Aren't the rules made to be broken ? I add to the ladle a sixth masturbation by taking matters into my own hands. I jerk him vigorously while not letting go of his gaze for a second. I lay a kiss on his lips and thus remain very close to his mouth while sucking rasquineries in the hollow of the #8217 ear. If he #8217 not allowed to enjoy and take me, it #8217 not the same of the other men to whom I #8217 offer. As long as #8217 he doesn't beg me to stop #8217, I'll keep masturbating him. His gaze wobbles. He throws me a “stop, stop, Please”. J-#8217;stops immediately.

The rascality completed, he shows me the traces of stiletto heels on his torso. At the beginning of the session, MrSirban s-#8217 is completely rested on my heels, abandoned to shared pleasure. I'm pretty sure #8217 he marked the #8217 imprint of my shoes feet. After his six masterfully held rounds, we are happy and satisfied with this improvised part !

In the course of l ’ afternoon, I'll enjoy #8217 he #8217 sit on the couch to excite him once again #8217 by riding him naked and masturbating against his erect chibre and dripping with #8217 envy. I haven't thought #8217 to film or take pictures of this moment. It's #8217 done on the #8217 instant. I #8217't want my Loved one to be in the cleat and #8217 can't do more when I issue him with his ban on enjoying. It has been six days since #8217 #8217 been allowed #8217 to ejaculate. I want to at least go up #8217 minimum of seven days. Then, I#8217d notify in due course ! Yesterday, MrSirban #8217 is bought a silicone chastity cage, because we'd like #8217 spend a night with the confined zizi, to see the sensations and impressions ! We are waiting for the newcomer to the house at the beginning of the week in eight.

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