Site gratuit d'une coquine libertine
Site gratuit d'une coquine libertine

Ran du Chabrier | Double gangbang at 3pm and 11pm

After the fall of my Beloved from a height of three meters, the first night at the Ran du Chabrier is not easy. I get up worried. He stands on his legs and has his whole head ! The pain in his back is very sharp. He insists on having as normal a stay as possible. I respect his wishes and enjoy a naughty day at the campsite to the fullest !

Gentle awakening after a restless night.

We have breakfast in the mobile home. It rained around 6 a.m. and it's cool for mid-June. We are clean around 10:30 am. Leaving in Adam and Eve's outfit, we're cold naked. MrSirban insists on going back to collect clothes. I want to go in his shoes. He is in bad shape. He refuses. Nanani Nanana ! I give in. Waiting for it, I chat with Anthony, The server. It is very nice. I chat with Titi. He runs the naughty lingerie shop. And I speak with Solex. A real pipelette !

MrSirban limps up to me. We walk to the meadow. It is located at the other end of the campsite. Them 1.3 km of walking make him suffer. His toe is still swollen by a sprain. I'd like to do a gangbang in the afternoon somewhere other than the cave. I am looking for a practical place to lean on and out of sight of the campsites facing the Ran. On the road, We talk to Libertindu48. He arrived like us, the night before ! We played with him last year.

We stop to take photos in the enchanting setting of the forest. Nature is beautiful between the Cévennes and the Ardèche. With my little dress – It's cold – and against wooden barriers, We take naughty pictures. A voyeur observes the scene while masturbating half-hidden behind a tree. To the Ran du Chabrier, Any place is a possible cuddle corner : path, sanitary, Cave, Prairie, location, hut. There are two exceptions : The beach and the restaurant.

Sperm harvesting by way.

We finish the photos. I invite the voyeur to join us. I kneel down and suck it. He immediately withdrew and turned his back on me. He ejaculates. I place my hand under her sex to collect the semen. Hey ! Don't waste it ! The earth doesn't care and it won't grow flowering zizis ! I spread the harvested semen on my chest and thank him for this squirt picking.

On the trail, We meet a very nice couple : Steh1 on the Wyylde dating site. The feeling is immediate. The rascal having in my hand walks away. We chat in the middle of the forest path before being joined by Olivier. He takes his little morning walk. Time passes like a trail of semen when you're in good company ! It's time to eat.

We have lunch around 1 p.m.. I have the idea of doing a gangbang around 3pm and taking a shower before ! It's been quiet since yesterday. There are not many people. It doesn't hurt the atmosphere. Many of us think that this is due to the capricious weather. MrSirban has pasta carbonara and gourmet coffee. I choose a blue flank steak with fries and a gourmet tea version.

A gangbang in 15 hours : 9 rascals.

Meals and showers, We go to the cave with two Olivier, the French and the Swiss, and Monsieur Steh1. We are overtaken by a bald man on a small bike ! Time to arrive, He is already there. I start by sucking Olivier made in France, and Olivier made in Switzerland. I chase the lollipops, taking care to greet each man present. There are about fifteen of them within sight of sex nose. I was well brought up, what do you want !

I collect two squirts. The bald man with the little bike is the first donor ! He sticks out his tongue while making little pinwheels of excitement. Every time, It reminds me of the horror movie of the 1960s 80 Maniac. The second rascal is a handsome smiling brunette wearing a goatee and a black t-shirt. I continue the workshop “Pipes Galore” while tasting the chibre of Will05, A very handsome man. I fall into a gangbang against a big rock.

The first one to take me is Chris, A charming brunette with a jovial smile and a mischievous look. We have a problem with the calibration of the height of the pools ! He's not small and I'm not tall. To be the right size, I take off the wedge heels and rock on my tiptoes. We fly to a summit of pleasure ! He quickly showed himself to be fiery and enterprising. I love it ! My Man wears suffering on his face. He leaned against the rock where I get fucked on a chain. He masturbates.

The gentleman having on my behind the bar the day before is the second to penetrate me. A little apprehension, its penis is long and wide. He takes me carefully feeling tight. I'm not yet dilated like at the end of the game.

A third man slips between my thighs. It is great. I climb on the wedges without putting them on. I gained 13cm in one toe movement ! His is very thick. His strokes are dry and brief. Our fingers are intertwined. I turn to look at him. We kiss. He cums by rearing up and withdraws.

The way to the cave is open after these big zizis. Screwdriver or wrench, everything will pass ! I watch MrSirban regularly. He puts on a good face and sketches a tense smile. He compensates for suffering with candaulist pleasure. I ask him if he wants to rest. He wants to enjoy and subdue !

Squirt interlude. There are about fifteen people watching the gangbang. This intimidates some. I take pleasure in getting them in shape so that they can take me or. One of the rascals with the big dick takes advantage of my mouth after taking me. He ejaculates on my chest a beautiful salvo of.

He is followed by a mustachioed gentleman whose nickname is Wyylde Barthoches. I apply myself to the fellatio. Her friendly smile makes me want to apply myself. He offers me a big squirt. I notice a rascal that I love : Stéphane ! I greet him with a sweet. It is very nice. My tits are covered in cum. A man is ready ! We continue the gangbang. My Beloved is really excited about the situation. He encourages men. Her eyes sparkle with pleasure !

To the queuleuleu, Dino1307 reopens the ball. This is the third time we have seen him. I love the way he plays. Of a dominant nature, His pelvis delivers powerful and rapid strokes of the back. He alternates incisive and sensual movements as he undulates between my hips. It's ecstatic. I enjoy under his assaults. Libertindu48 takes over deep inside me. In gangbang, there is a multiplication of sensations. The way he fucks me is very different from Dino. It is more regular. His comings and goings are almost metronomic without having the regularity of a sex machine ! It's very exciting these changing sensations.

I'm finishing with Chris. He manages to take me unceremoniously. I really like the way he plays ! He is fiery and enterprising. From the corner of the eye, I see a Labrador being held by a handsome man. It disturbs me a bit to see a dog at the gangbang. He is kept on a leash. He's so cute. The naughty guy watches the scene while masturbating. It is next to MrSirban, slightly set back so as not to get in the way. My Man sees him quickly ! He left with his doggie !

The gangbang at the cave is over, We chat with the men present. We had a great time with some naughty players, Respectful and very kind. We reassure them about the videos taken. Anonymity is essential in the libertine milieu.

MrSirban and I meet again Olivier, Stéphane and Steh1 to the caravan. We have a drink while putting the world to rights. We tell the story of the fall of my Man and debrief the gangbang. Let's talk anecdotes, gossip of the Ran du Chabrier. Steven Walks around the corner and stops for a drink. We are joined by a couple. The atmosphere is excellent under Olivier's awning.

My Beloved suffers martyrdom in a sitting position. He has tremors and great fatigue. We leave the joyful troupe to rest in the mobile home. MrSirban goes to lie on the bed to calm the back pain.

An evening with friends from the Ran.

7: 00, we try to make ourselves beautiful to have an aperitif at the bar and dinner at the restaurant La Paillotte. We're two zombies with my man. We join Olivier, Stéphane and Greg on the terrace. We tease Olivier. We've all had different drinks and he's having a hard time holding back between Greg's half strawberry and my mint in water. What ’ what is ’ the merrier ! We form a band of merry drills ! We see no time pass. Olivier is very hungry ! We have a great time with these three friends. They are loves !

The five of us switch to the restaurant side forming a joyful table of cheerful fellows. After enjoying a good meal, we separate. Olivier goes to bed. Stéphane and Greg will get on their 31 to go to a libertine disco. MrSirban and I are ready ! We won't last long. My Man is exhausted. He explains to me that we will leave early the next day to go to the emergency room. This is the first time he has mentioned it since his fall. It must be cozy !

And a gangbang at 23 hours with 7 rascals !

You will have to take my word for it. It is forbidden to film in a libertine club out of respect for anonymity. Evening gangbang, Good evening ! Eight penetrations of six different rascals. We are surprised at my form given the circumstances ! I do almost all the gangbang as a missionary on the central cuddle corner. MrSirban sits frequently. His face wears a mask of affliction. I have a little bad conscience. He wants to take full advantage of it.

The first rascal :

He wears a red polo shirt and has light hair. He has trouble finding the entrance to my cave. With the afternoon gangbang, I'm swollen by the assaults. The passage is narrow ! He manages to fuck me without rushing me too much, feeling that I have already given ! He penetrates me by looking me straight in the eye. I love having eye contact with the naughty ones to fully experience sharing. Just after, I suck Chris and Dino1307. We played earlier in the day. I like them !

The mystery of the penis simulator :

Last year, I was talking to you about penetration simulators. I have one ! He has gray hair and a dark polo shirt.

It's a great mystery of my libertine life : What is he doing ? Does he think I believe he's in me ? Does he think of himself in me ? Does he know that I know he's not in me ? Is it a little secret between us ? What for ? Does he know that I know that he knows that I know ?

The simulator makes it look like a penetration. Except for one detail, It's not in my. Impossible, he doesn't get hard. Seen from the outside, MrSirban understands from my reaction that I'm waiting for it to happen. I don't fake… me ! It's funny and embarrassing. Mystery and ball !

It's moving : Manly fucking and butt lift !

He gives way to a man wearing black-rimmed glasses. I get fucked unceremoniously. First gently and then forcefully, This fiery fifty-year-old took me a second time. That's good. He is vigorous ! That's what I like best.

A tall, bald man follows. He takes my buttocks off the leatherette. My hips come up to the height of his dick. He flies me to a beautiful orgasm with my ass suspended. At the same time, Women touch my body. A man in the winter of his life (At least 80 years) asks me for permission to caress my chest. Touching and tender, I gladly accept.

Couples, fiery kisses and orgasms :

The fourth man is in a relationship. It is Mr. Zamis840. In great shape, he takes me twice : as a missionary and. He is virile and hard.

As a missionary, His wife kisses and caresses my chest. I let it happen. She is very smiling. At one point, she brings her breast to my lips and there, I block ! MrSirban explains to her that I'm not bi. Laughing, She says she is not bi. She then refuses the assaults of a woman. It's fun.

In doggy, I give a to a charming ash blonde. We kiss each other eye to eye. Our languages intertwine. He masturbates until he cums while kissing me. It's particularly exciting. The eye of my Candaulist husband sparkles with pleasure ! I see him enjoying himself. He doesn't miss a beat sitting against the cuddle corner !

It's moving : Manly fucking and butt lift !

The penultimate rascal wears a white shirt with small blue patterns. He slips between my large thighs offered and penetrates me abruptly. He cums in a few back and forth. I served as a ball-emptyer in joy, cum and good humor !

The last man has a devastating smile with dimples and a sparkling look. I melt ! I announce to stop after him. I'm overheating as much as possible ! With her big sex, He takes me with infinite delicacy. Once the path is made, it increases the cadence of the strokes of the loins with power and ardour. I finish my gangbang in style at the Ran du Chabrier ! I'm smiling from ear to ear from having so much. My legs have a hard time holding me. I faltered and trembled with shared pleasures !

Finished for tonight ! My Man is at the end of his life and I, I consume myself with pleasures in a sort of libertine trance. MrSirban really liked the gangbang. The excitement allowed her to forget the pain by focusing on her candaulist pleasure. I shower. We go to say goodbye at the bar without having a last drink. We chat with Stéphane and Greg. They made themselves beautiful. We chat with the bartender Mike and Titi at security. We go to the mobile home to join the arms of Morpheus.

All is well that ends well… to the hospital for MrSirban

MrSirban is in a lot of pain. I'm glad he's going to the emergency room. It takes a weight off my shoulders. The next day, We clean the mobile home and charge the car. We break camp around 9:30 am. We salute the rascals who contributed to a great stay despite the accident. We thank all the staff, so nice and adorable : Damien, Anthony, Titi, Mike… See you soon the Ran du Chabrier ! We will do everything to come back before closing !

MrSirban News : He fractured a vertebra. He was operated on and hospitalized for three days. Now, he must wear a corset until the 10 July minimum. He suffers less from back pain. Some movements remain limited and he is exhausted. He has a level of fatigue that I have never experienced in him when I 21 years of common life.

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